
Reservation Confirmation Acknowledgment


  • This message is used to acknowledge the OTA_NotifReportRQ message.

  • Exception: When a SOAP level fault occurs while RG Bridge processes the request, a SOAP fault message will be returned.

Processing and Delivery:

  • RG Bridge will mark the reservations included in the OTA_NotifReportRQ message as delivered, and they will not be included in future reservation retrievals.

  • Importance: It is crucial to process all the reservations retrieved earlier and send OTA_NotifReportRQ messages for all of them before sending additional OTA_ReadRQ messages to retrieve more reservations.

Reservation confirmation response; Sample XML

<OTA_NotifReportRS xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05"  
            Version="2.000" > 
  <Success /> 

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