
Reservation Message:

  • RG Bridge will send reservations using the OTA_HotelResNotifRQ message.

  • Each message will contain only one reservation record.

PMS Processing:

  • The PMS should process the message synchronously and respond with the confirmation of receipt and PMS confirmation number.

OpenTravel Hotel Reservation Record:

  • It is a complex data structure with many elements possible as per the schema.

  • The PMS Service should be designed to accommodate the maximum amount of data elements, ensuring flexibility and comprehensive handling.

  • RG Bridge can include more information where the data is available from the OTA.

Reservation request; Sample XML

<OTA_HotelResNotifRQ xmlns="http://www.opentravel.org/OTA/2003/05" 	EchoToken="354" 
TimeStamp="2011-01-26T10:22:00-05:00" Target="Production" Version="1.003" 
<RequestorID Type="13" ID="473"/> 
<BookingChannel  Type="7"  Primary="true"> 
<CompanyName>Travel  Today</CompanyName> 

<HotelReservation CreateDateTime="2015-12-15T00:00:00" CreatorID="RateGain"
<RequestorID Type="13" ID="473" />
<BookingChannel  Type="7"  Primary="true">
<CompanyName Code="GHRS" />
<UniqueID Type="14" ID="THVHSCERT007" />
<BasicPropertyInfo HotelCode="RGBRTEST" />
<RoomStay PromotionVendorCode="" RoomStayStatus="Book" WarningRPH="">
<RatePlan RatePlanCode="1311" />
<RoomRate RoomTypeCode="STD" NumberOfUnits="1" RatePlanCode="BAR"
<Rate EffectiveDate="2016-01-10" ExpireDate="2016-01-11"
RateTimeUnit="Day"  UnitMultiplier="1">
<Base AmountAfterTax="110" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
<Rate EffectiveDate="2016-01-11" ExpireDate="2016-01-12"
RateTimeUnit="Day"  UnitMultiplier="1">
<Base AmountAfterTax="110" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
<GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="10" Count="2" />
<TimeSpan Start="2016-01-10" Duration="P2D" End="2016-01-12" />
<Total AmountAfterTax="220" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
<ResGuestRPHs />
<Text>Cab for Airport will be provided</Text>
<Membership AccountID="" BonusCode="" PointsEarned="" ProgramCode=""
TravelSector="" />
<Text>Non-Smoking Room</Text>
<GuestCount AgeQualifyingCode="10" Count="2" />
<TimeSpan Start="2016-01-10" Duration="P2D" End="2016-01-12" />
<CancelPenalties  />
<Total AmountAfterTax="220" CurrencyCode="EUR" />
<HotelReservationID ResID_Type="16" ResID_Value="THVHSCERT007" />
<HotelReservationID  ResID_Type="13"  ResID_Value="THVHSCERT007#1(1/2)"  />
<HotelReservationID ResID_Type="14" ResID_Value="00060850/001" />

Last updated