
  • DirectConnect will use this message to request the OTA to update the ARI information.

  • The information will be sent at the product level.


  • Allotment is supported at the Room Level only.

  • Product Reference: Only InvTypeCode is required in the Product reference.


Parent XPath





Time of the transaction in xml schema date time format




For this version of the specification set to “1.0”




All DirectConnect request messages would include an Authentication element. A set of UserName and Password are passed.




The UserName part of the credentials. UserName and Password combination (credentials) required to authorize the request are sent in these attributes.




The Password part of the credential.




Contains rate changes for a given hotel. Only the updates of a single product are sent in one request.




Hotel code of the property whose ARI information is being updated.




Specifies the type of update i.e. “Partial”. RezGain currently only sends “Partial” updates.

If update type is “Partial”, OTA should overwrite only the values which are specifically passed in the update and retain previously set values for other ARI information. If any element or attribute is missing, they are assumed to retain their previously set values. For example, if Availability information is not passed in the update the OTA must continue to apply the previously set values of Availability for the dates specified. It should be noted that the

OTA could have different values set previously for the dates specified in the update and they should all be retained as is. If an allocation is specified in the update, Free Sale should be turned off.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /ProductReference

Identifies the room type for which the ARI information is given.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /ProductReference

Identifies the rate type for which the AR information is given.

Need to be absent in case of Allocation TransientAllotment update.




Identifies the date range that the ARIData applies to.

If any one of the day of week attributes are passed, they all must be passed.

If no day of week attribute is passed, it is assumed that the ARI data applies to all dates within the start date and end dates.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /ApplicationControl

The start date of the date range for which the

ARI data applies. The date range includes the start date.

Date format : YYYY-MM-DD



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /ApplicationControl

The end date of the date range for which the ARI data applies. The date range includes the end date.

Date format : YYYY-MM-DD




This element contains the rates and meal plan information.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts

The currency of the rates.This must be the primary currency of the hotel. Three letter ISO code.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts

The base rates. The rates could be expressed as

“Room” rates or occupancy based prices. Single Adult, Two Adults etc. are commonly used base occupancies.

If the UpdateType is “Partial”, OTA should only update the occupancies, which are passed and must retain the old prices for the other occupancies.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts/Base

The code of the base occupancy.

See the Code Lists section for supported values.

Code list Occupancy Codes.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts/Base

The rate amount for this occupancy.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts

This element contains the meal plans available for this rate. Meal Plan is also commonly referred to as Board and Pension. For example Bed and Breakfast, Full Board, Half Pension etc.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest /HotelARIData/RateAmounts/MealPlans

This element provides information on one o the meal plan available for this product.





The code of the meal plan. Full Board, Half Board, Bed and Breakfast, Room only etc. are commonly used meal plans.

See the Code Lists section for supported values. (Code list Meal Plan Codes).

Mandtory if MealPlan node is present



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts

Rate amounts for additional occupancies. Extra Adult, Extra Child etc. are commonly used additional occupancies.

If the UpdateType is “Partial”, OTA should only update the occupancies which are passed and must retain the old prices for the other occupancies.




The code of the additional occupancy.

See the Code Lists section for supported values.

Code list Occupancy Codes.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /RateAmounts/Additional

The rate amount for this occupancy.




This element provides information regarding the availability of the hotel product.





This is the master availability. If master is ‘Closed’, the product is not bookable if any of the stay dates includes one of the dates specified by the

Application Control element. If master is

‘Open’, additional restrictions on arrival and departure may be placed. OTA is expected to retain the ARI information when the master availability is changed from ‘Open’ to ‘Closed’, so that when the availability becomes ‘Open’ once again, the previously set values of price and other restrictions could be restored.





This is an availability restriction commonly referred to as Closed To Arrival (CTA). If Arrival availability is ‘Closed’, the product is not bookable if the first date of the stay is one of the dates specified by the Application Control element.

If the UpdateType is “Partial”, and this attribute is not passed, the OTA should

retain the previously existing value of this restriction.





This is an availability restriction commonly referred to as Closed To Departure (CTD). If

Departure availability is ‘Closed’, the

product is not bookable if the last date of the stay is one of the dates specified by the Application Control element.

If the UpdateType is “Partial”, and this attribute is not passed, the OTA should

retain the previously existing value of this restriction.




This element contains information on the allocation of inventory to the OTA.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /BookingLimit

Indicates if the hotel has removed all booking limits for this product for this date range.

If this element is not passed, it is assumed that

‘Free Sale’ is off. Further, it is understood that the product would be bookable subject to the limits given below. If this element is set to ‘On’, the OTA may sell the product without regard to the limits given below.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /BookingLimit

This element is used to transfer informationon any dynamically allocated hotel inventory. RezGain is a platform for optimizing the distribution of available hotel inventory to OTAs.



/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData /BookingLimit/TransientAllotment

The number of rooms received in allotment by the hotel under dynamic allocation.

If a negative value is received, the OTA must treat it as a value of 0 and must not offer the product for booking unless Free Sale is set to On.



This element contains booking rules. Booking rules are additional restrictions placed by the hotel on bookings of this product.

If the UpdateType is “Partial”, the OTA should only update the values of the restrictions that are passed in the update.

It is assumed that the minimum possible length of stay is 1 and that a MinLoS of 0 is functionally equivalent to MinLoS of 1.



This element indicates the minimum number of days before the check-in date after which the product is not available to be booked.


/HotelARIUpdateRQ/HotelARIUpdateRequest/HotelARIData/Bo okingRules

This restriction is usually used to offer discounts on early bookings.





This element indicates the maximum number of days before the check-in date before which the product is not available to be booked.

This restriction is usually used to offer last minute discounts on unsold inventory.





This element indicates the minimum number of nights for which a stay must be booked to obtain this rate. Applies only to bookings where the first date of the booking is one of the dates referred in the Application Control element.

This restriction is usually used to offer discounts on longer stays.





This element indicates the maximum number of nights for which a stay can be booked to obtain this rate. Applies only to bookings where the first date of the booking is one of the dates referred in the Application Control element.





This element indicates the minimum number of nights for which a stay must be booked to obtain this rate. Applies to bookings where anyof the stay dates of the booking includes any of the dates referred in the Application Control element.





This element indicates the maximum number of nights for which a stay can be booked at this rate. Applies to bookings where any of the stay dates of the booking includes any of the dates referred in the Application Control element.




Reserved for future use.

This element is used to provide a textual description of the product. Usually used to describe the special features of the room or rate. Also used commonly to describe what is included in the price.


Last updated