Date and Time
All references to Date, Time and Timestamp will use the format required by the OTA specification, which follows ISO standard 8601:
The Date will be the Calendar Date format represented as [YYYY]---[MM]---[DD] where [YYYY] indicates a four-digit year, 0000 through 9999, [MM] indicates a two-digit month of the year, 01 through 12, and [DD] indicates a two-digit day of that month, 01 through 31. Example: 2006---01---27
The Time will be the 24---hour clock (extended format) plus a time zone designator represented as [hh]:[mm]:[ss][±hh: mm] where [hh] refers to a zero-padded hour between 00 and 24 (where 24 is only used to notate midnight at the end of a calendar day), [mm] refers to a minute between 00 and 59, [ss] refers to a second between 00 and 59, ±[hh]:[mm] refers to the difference in hours and minutes greater than or less than UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Example: 22:59:01+03:00
The Timestamp will be a combination of date and time (without a time zone designator) represented as [YYYY]---[MM]---[DD]T[hh]:[mm]:[ss] where the time designator [T] is used to show the start of the time component. Example: 2006---01---27T17:59:01