Technology Overview
The HCD XML Update Interface is a JAX-Document Literal-based web service, utilizing SOAP over HTTP/HTTPS with 2005B OTA XML as the message payload. The WSDL can be found here:
Clients can use this WSDL to generate client-side stub code that will be incorporated into their application, and calls against this code will appear to be made locally. Refer to Appendix C for additional information on client application generation using WSDL tools.
Open travel alliance
The Open Travel Alliance (OTA) is a standards body made up of various travel-related industry leaders. Their purpose is to develop and maintain a set of XML message structures that travel companies can use to communicate their business data. DHISCO has adopted the 2005B OTA’s message structure and codes for the HCD XML Update Interface.
SOAP over HTTP(S) with XML as the payload has been adopted as the standard for web services communication because of its platform and language independence. DHISCO’ HCD XML Update Interface follows this same standard.
For secured (HTTPS) access to resources, clients must include the appropriate root level CA certificate. Enterprise connectivity uses Comodo as its certificate authority, and the root level CA can be found here:
Also, clients must import DHISCO’ public certificate as well. This can be obtained by:
Navigating to the WSDL in Internet Explorer
Double-click on the lock icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window
Click the “Details” tab
Click the “Copy to File…” button
Save the file as the appropriate type for the keystore into which the certificate will be imported.
Once the root level CA certificate and public certificates are imported into a keystore, this keystore can be utilized by tools such “wscompile” to generate client stubs for resources protected by SSL. The public certificate is hostname specific, so for each environment (UAT/Production), a new public certificate is needed for the specific hostname.
ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language) is a modular suite of specifications that enable enterprises of any size to conduct business over the Internet. It creates standard methods to exchange business messages and communicate data in common terms. DHISCO makes use of the ebXML Header element in the SOAP Header of transactions to the HCD XML Update Interface.
System Overview
The HCD XML Update Interface will allow a user to submit XML transactions to the HCD Update web service for maintaining property information. Some of the types of information that can be maintained are:
Basic Property Information
Amenity Information
Bookable status
The following diagram illustrates the boundaries of all systems involved in this interface.
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