SOAP over HTTP(S) with XML as the payload is widely adopted as the standard for web services communication due to its platform and language independence. The RateGain Enterprise Connectivity HCD (Hotel Content Database) Content Retrieval Interface adheres to this standard.
For secure (HTTPS) access to resources, clients must include the appropriate root-level CA certificate. RateGain Enterprise Connectivity utilizes Comodo as its certificate authority, and the root-level CA certificate can be accessed here:,1
Also, clients must import RateGain Enterprise Connectivity public certificate as well. This can be obtained by:
Navigating to the WSDL in Internet Explorer
Double---click on the lock icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window
Click the “Details” tab
Click the “Copy to File…” button
Save the file as the appropriate type for the keystore into which the certificate will be imported.
Once the root-level CA certificate and public certificates are imported into a Keystore, the Keystore can be used by tools like "wscompile" to generate client stubs for accessing resources secured by SSL. Since the public certificate is hostname-specific, a separate one is required for each environment (e.g., UAT and Production) corresponding to its hostname.