File naming convention
Since all inbound batch files will be placed into a supplier-specific directory. The supplier must ensure that the inbound batch files are uniquely named to prevent lost or overwriting of files. To help facilitate the unique naming of the files the inbound batch files must support the following naming standard.
The filename must include a datestamp (20060127), followed by a sequence number of three digits (_000) and ending with ‘.xml’ Example: 20060127_001.xml
Note: The .xml is case-sensitive and must be provided to Enterprise Connectivity in lowercase only.
DHISCO will process the batch files by the datestamp and then the sequence number if more than one file is found with the same datestamp.
For those clients needing to further identify their files, DHISCO will allow the file to begin with a 10 character identifier. This identifier can be used by the client to help identify what the file contains. DHISCO determination on processing will not include this extra identifier. Therefore the sequence number must be unique per datestamp. The following are examples:
XXfile_20060127_001.xml (XX can represent Chain or Brand code)
XXXXXXXXXX_20060127_002.xml (X represent the PID, Chain name or Brand name as long as under 10 bytes)
A single response file will be created to contain the processing errors and/or the success responses. The outbound batch file will support the following naming standard.
The filename will mimic the inbound file but end with ‘.rpt'. Example: 20060127_001.rpt
For those clients who provide the additional identifier, the file name will be retained and delivered back with the appended '.rpt'.
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